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Jun 12, 2006



I have not tried green tea ice cream, but green tea gelato is lovely. I also like green tea mochi. Those are awesome :-)

Artichoke ice cream is interesting...if not downright gross.


It does look yummy! I too have taken a liking to IC this summer! My new fave is Grasshopper pie :) Yum!


Hmm...green tea and ice cream? I'm not sure how I'd like that...

My personal favorite is called Spouse Like a House: Imagine, if you will: malted vanilla ice cream, gobs of peanut butter and pieces of peanut-butter filled, chocolate covered pretzel pieces. I don't have much of a sweet tooth, but I can put this stuff DOWN!

island Jen

No Suz, I burped it up a little while later (after drinking a gallon of water)- I don't throw up THAT easily!)
Can't wait to see you! Paige misses E big time.


So are you saying you got sick from it later on? aka puked?
I will be home sometime tonight. E will be staying here until Friday :)

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